Video Games, Esports, Streaming, Profit?
The world of technology (mostly computers) has allowed so many gateways for new career opportunities for the generation who grew up with technology. Esports, live streaming, YouTube, Esports betting, and game reviewing are just some of these new pastimes turned careers for many gamers, and fascinating people.
Live streaming services such as, Hitbox, and YouTube Gaming allow for users to live stream gaming content for the enjoyment of the millions that visit the site daily. These “livestreamers” stream art, gameplay, or music to these sites. Streams usually have live gameplay and a live cam of the “streamer” who is playing the game. The more energetic and comical the streamer, usually results in more viewers. Streamers (depending on the size of their fan base) usually they stream as a pastime, because they are able to connect with and talk to the people watching the stream. Many “streamers” end up quitting their day jobs and go full-time streaming. Streaming as a career mainly consist of playing games for others enjoyment, which is something many would die for. Streamers make as much money as a normal mid-tier paying job would earn them, ($30,000-$80,000) and that just for playing video games.
Money generating by streaming usually comes in the form of generous donations by viewers or by the streaming service, for job well done on racking in viewers to the site. YouTube is another way people are creating themselves careers in this new age. YouTube has been around since 2005 and for a couple years now people have been making millions just from whatever is trending, or just something interesting to watch. Channels on YouTube that usually go big are the gaming channels. Some YouTube channels that have been around for years have been growing their fan base since the dawn of YouTube and now it’s all paid off. Making YouTube videos is an easy task, but making something that others would enjoy is not so easy. Just on streaming services the more views and subscribers a person makes the more money that they make. It really is interesting why people like to watch others play video games. As a gamer myself I don’t even know why watching is more entertaining than playing. Just like watching professional sports such as football. Many would agree that it is more entertaining to watch a football game than to be playing in one.
Sports betting sites such as Fan Duel and Draft Kings allow for users to bet on sites for fantasy sports team and compete for money in their league. The prize pools go into the millions. Just like in sports betting Esports also has their betting. Betting in Esports is more respected by most simply by the fact that it’s not straight money. Betting in Esports is something that many in the gaming communities such as the Counter-Strike Community and DOTA Community are active in. The betting in these sports is just as simple as choosing a winning team, and if they win, you get money. The Money is not actually money but it can be exchanged for small amount of real money, usually it’s in game currency.
The group of the gamers who are around these communities all revolve around the professional scene of pro gaming, and pro gaming is powered by streaming, and finally streaming is powered by the community. Everything is powered by each other, each of these things are just running of the basic principle that regular sports run off of. Example, NFL creates runs pro football, players play football, and the television broadcaster stream football. It’s like an endless cycle; the communities are now almost exactly alike when it comes to structure.
What I’m getting to is Esports are sports, is like the Fox Sports of Esport’s, YouTube is like the highlight reels of football, and gamers are like the football fans of Esports. Everything is connected, and the evidence is there that they are very similar. YouTube and Twitch are becoming a service where people at age can start career for themselves if they try hard enough and put work into it. Esports has created so many new careers for people of their respected communities that Esports players usually retire in their late 20’s because they make as much money that the usual Pro player would.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)