Pre-Built Computers
Brand names of computers such as Dell, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, Alienware, and Mac are all types of pre-built computers. Pre-built is a term that really does float around out there when choosing a PC. Pre-built, by itself is pretty self-explanatory, but the term means that a computer is fully built by the company, with no assembly by the consumer (which is basically the same as just buying a laptop or desktop computer.) The brand names, of course make the product worth more, such as Apple, Apple is a perfect example.
Apple computer are good computers and the price would show it right? You would think so because of the price of the computer; big price tag usually means good parts, but that is the opposite. Apple is makes good systems don’t get me wrong but computers systems from these companies are very overpriced. If someone wants to get into gaming on a computer, the price tag will be considerable high, considering that gaming computer require high end parts.
Gaming can be really expensive, especially on a computer to get the best for your dollar many build their own computers. Building computer is cheaper than ordering a computer from a company. For instance you can build a computer with part totaling $1200, and for example on you can buy the same computer for $2000. That is an $800 difference. Companies are companies, of course they need to turn the profit, but if you really want to save money just buy parts and put them together. Even if the computer isn’t for gaming you can buy really decent parts for a workstation PC, and save a bundle.
The shopping list for building the computer is rather small; the barebones essentials are just a motherboard, processor, power supply, RAM, and some cooling method or part. This is all you need to building a PC. The building aspect of a computer is not as hard as believed to be. It’s basically a puzzle, a puzzle where there are only 4 slots for pieces.
The building of a PC would scare most away, but the truth about PC companies is that they really make a lot of capital off of each purchase. The only thing companies have over building your own computer are the extended warranties.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)