Candidates Dropping Out

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In the news recently, Rand Paul, has decided to not conclude with the rest of the 2016 presidential campaign. Rand Paul announced his decision to run for president last year in April and seemed to feel confident but soon knew he would not be the only won dropping from the race.
Paul is a senator from Kentucky, and feels he is the necessary candidate for the presidential job. The debate in Iowa has stirred up his feelings toward running for president in 2016. He finished 5th in the debate amongst republican candidates and he now feels as if he is falling even farther away from the race. The race has been utterly disappointing for Rand Paul as he never broke past single digits in the national poll. The people of America just don’t seem to agree with what he believes in, so he is now dropping out of the race. The Republican Party is now being run by candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, who seem to have a strong hold on the race so far. Rand Paul seemed to be out of it from the start. The other republican candidate, Carly Fiorina, has also decided to drop from the race as she now knows who the top dogs are in the Republican Party.
Overall, the republican party is now left for the top dogs, like Trump, Carson, and Cruz, who all seem to be filling the missing holes in which were left and seem to be ramping up the tempo of this race and will soon decide who will be their leader going into the final debate of the campaign.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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