Trail Cutting

Every rider knows that having a private piece of land to ride on is a great advantage but some riders like to ride in the woods but often find that making a trail is much more difficult than what it is thought to be. Time, effort, determination, and frustration is all a part of making a decent woods trail for dirtbikes but it can also be the best time a rider can have because of the memories that come with it.
A great way to make a trail is by getting some fellow riders together to make the trail. Having friends there helping will make the frustrating event much more enjoyable. Starting the trail is simple. Find the spot with easy access that way getting to the trail won’t be aggravating on its own. A rider can make the trail as difficult as they want by adding hills, mud, rocks, and jumps. If none of these obstacles are then a rider can try to make a very technical single trail big enough for one bike to fit through. A lot of riders tend to make the trail into one massive loop. Connecting the trail at the end to the beginning of the trail makes a loop. Using trail markers and ribbons to cut off parts of the trail to ensure the rider will be going to correct way is also useful when cutting a trail.
Keeping the trail clean is also a major part in trail cutting. A fresh cut trail is something a rider can brag about but a storm can come along and blow branches into the trail but keeping it clean will give the rider a sense of pride and can truly improve the rider’s skills on the bike.
Trail cutting is a great experience but it can also be aggravating. Sometimes the trail doesn’t work the way it’s planned but the memoires and the sense pride for forging a dirtbike trail is something a lot of riders use to their advantage to improve their skill on the bike and on the trail.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....