Which Candidate Will Come On Top

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In the news recently, the New Hampshire primary took place, and Donald Trump seemed to be the ring leader of the show. As the campaign season rolls on, the candidates seem to be letting loose of all their decisions. Donald Trump ran an excellent debate, but the question still remains, which candidate will come out on top?
For the most part, there has been a secret war going on between candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Some people might start looking at Trump and saying, “hey this our guy,” others fear he might just bring down America as they believe he might start an immigration war, which would crumble the United States policy of foreign domestic trading and citizenship. Ted Cruz on the other hand, people just don’t seem to like his style on what the people think about when it comes to immigration and the whole Muslim crisis. The New Hampshire primary was won by Trump by a 28 percent differential, which was huge, and by the democratic nominee, Barry Sanders, who overall dominated the competition in the democratic debate. For the longest time, Donald Trump has been the front runner and most likely will be the overall republican nominee for the final debate. As for the democrats, Barry Sanders, Ben Carson, and Hilary Clinton, seem to be the last of the main portion for the final debate.
Overall, who knows who will come out on top with the democrats? Based on statistics and national poll percentage`s, and debate numbers, the people still don’t have a final choice.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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