Apple: Privacy or Safety

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In the news recently, Apple, the worldwide leader in smart phones has faced a great deal of responsibilities in the past couple of weeks. The FBI or Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched a protocol on the security of the phones used in the San Bernardino shooting.
The overwhelming and demand that has been open up on Apple has many asking well why do I need to give up my password or private information that has nothing to do with the whole situation. The demands are that the FBI wants Apple to unlock the supposed phones that were used to set up this terrorist attack. The problem with this is, is that if Apple does into the demands it may mean a privacy and safety war that might open millions of innocent phones all at once. I fear that my information may be leaked and spread to someone in a different state or country, the whole open privacy thing would mean that hackers would be able to see information like money transactions or credit cards that haven’t yet expired, no one wants that and it is certainly not safe to the people.
Overall, this could be a step in the direction of good or could mean the end of someone’s identity. The technology we have today could be useful or could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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