Virtual Market

Video gaming on the PC has allowed for many portals to be opened, portals such as a wide, vast, fast spread community. The PC gaming community as a whole has always been seen as ruthless and expensive. PC gaming is always something expensive to get into because of the price of components to build such a computer. If someone has the passion for gaming then they might want to consider switching to PC gaming, if price isn’t an issue.
Steam, the platform that almost all PC games are bought off, and run off allow for users to access an online store and community where users can play with their friends and browse, or buy the latest games. In many online multiplayer video games, such as Team Fortress, allow for many people who share a common interest in games to game with or against each other. With the online capabilities of the video game come the add-ons that are available on the Community Market. On Steam the Community Market allows for users to sell in-game items for real currency at their own listing price. To someone outside of this culture this may seem like a very unusual way to spend money. For instance on the Community Market you can buy in-game cosmetics that alter your character apparel or features, such as something as simple as a hat to a wearable belt with kittens strapped onto it. Spending real money on virtual pixels may seem to many as a big waste of money, but it is actually an investment.
For instance you can try you luck for the price of around $2.50 inside the game, to open up a random crate, that will contain a random item that can be sold for real money, that can be transferred into bank account funds if necessary. Many people do this for a profit and make a considerable margin of profit, for instance someone may uncrate a winter coat that no one in the game has ever seen or before, this will definitely turn a profit. Some items like the “Golden Pan” go for a small fortune, the pan is worth $3000, and it’s one of the most expensive virtual items to ever exist, but yet people still spend $3000 on a virtual frying pan made of gold. Many people buy these items either to do it for the gambling profit, or just to show off their rich personality in-game, and possibly gloat to those who don’t have one.
From personal experience I have opened up a crate for $2.50 and found a $12 item, and that item put me in the profit zone, in about a year that in game item’s worth will jump around 200%.
The Community Market allows for a virtual buying and selling experience, similar to an actual yard sale, or farmers market, but with virtual items. The experience of the buying and selling is something similar to selling old or outdate comic books or trading cards.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)