50 Shades of Stress

(Photo Credit via googleimages.com)
Being a teenager is hard enough, but adding school, sports, and social life on top of that makes it so much harder. The end of every nine weeks brings alone tons of stress, especially for someone like me. I try very hard to keep my grades up and to make the honor roll. Right now I do have a 4.0 GPA, but that is about to drop. We just took a test in geology, and I knew nothing. I studied all night long and even in the morning during some classes, but still did not know one thing. When I get home all I want to do is lie down and take a nap but there is no time for that. I go to school for seven hours a day with eight different classes. After school I go track for two hours, giving it all the energy I have left in me. By the time I arrive home, which around five, I am so exhausted. In that seven hours I have to do homework, study for multiple tests, and make sure I eat dinner, take a shower, and take care of my home responsibilities.
At home I have six pets, four dogs and two cats. Once I get home from my in-season sport the first thing for me is to take care of them. Taking all of the dogs out, checking their food and water take about one hour of my time, making it about six at night. Next thing is to start my homework for my classes. Every night I have at least two subjects of homework to do, which always takes up about another hour and a half, bringing the time to around seven thirty at night. Whether I want to take a break or not, my mother calls me down to eat something after my homework. If my brother happens to be home that day, we all eat and talk together, since he is not home much. Eating dinner and talking to my brother lasts for about an hour before I go back up to study. By the time I start actually studying it is nine at night.
Every night I do not go to sleep until around midnight or one in the morning. It is very hard to focus that late at night studying for a test. When I get up the next morning I am always so exhausted and remember nothing of which I studied. Studying for one tests it tricky enough, but adding in another test, homework, and social life, the teenage years becomes almost impossible.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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