
Tristian Wright

More stories from Tristian Wright

Welcome Back
August 29, 2016

A lot of riders have trouble riding in rough conditions like sloppy mud, snow, or even extreme heat but those riders should know that the best way to become great at those conditions are to train in those conditions.

If a rider were to have trouble riding in extreme heat for some reason then the best way to train for extreme heat is to train in it. Going out on a hot day in the complete gear set is the best way possible to train. Keeping water and a focused mind ready to take on the heat is the best way to train for the heat. The heat is only a small part of the problem. The rider’s mental state is what will keep them moving through the heat. Having a positive state of mind when training outside the comfort zone is the best thing for a rider to do because it allows the rider to push harder and farther than they ever have before.

Training for the cold is a much harder task than training for the heat. During the cold months, riders tend to pack their bikes away and do some maintenance on them while waiting out the cold days but some riders go out and train. Training in the cold takes much more energy than training in the heat because the body is always moving and in the cold, the bodies muscles and joints are stiff and need to be properly taken care of in cold temperatures and riding a dirtbike through cold temperatures takes a toll on the riders body afterward.

No matter what training is taking place, staying positive mentally is the best thing the rider can do to help get through the training. Always put the body before the bike while out training.