Two Peas in a Pod

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Friends have always been a big part of my life, but one has stood out more than any others. Caroline and I have been friends for more than five years. It first started in 6th grade during recess. There was this huge group of girls that would go and play double Dutch outside. That is where our friendship first started. We started talking and becoming somewhat friends, but it did not really grow until about 7th grade. Caroline and I really grew by playing volleyball together. This is where we actually started finding things in common and becoming really close. The first time we hung outside of school together was at Samantha Pedicord’s house. We would get together and watch scary movies, then end up not being able to sleep because we were too scared.
Though out the year, our friendship continued to grow stronger. That next year was when I spent the night at Caroline’s house for the first time. It was probably around midafternoon when I got there, and around eleven in the morning when I left. The main thing that I remember about it was never going to sleep. We found something to do to entertain ourselves the entire time. Whether it was jumping from one couch to the other, or watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, we never got bored. Finally around six in the morning, when her mother woke up, Caroline and I feel asleep for a few minutes. When my mother arrived to pick me up, I remember being so tired that as soon as I got home; I went right to sleep on the steps. I could not even make it to my room.
The next two years just got better as they went on. Every weekend we would spend together, whether it was at her house or mine. Even to this day, our friendship continues to grow and be amazing. We are at the point with each other where we can just walk into each other’s houses and do whatever we want. We can tell each other anything and everything and know that it will only stay between the two of us. Being friends with Caroline was for sure the best choice I made.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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