Is This Real?

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017

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There is that feeling right before you pass out where you get dizzy and the world around starts to move in slow motion. Voices fade around you and nothing feels real. I constantly get that feeling, minus the part where I feel dizzy. The feeling that the world around you is slipping away into slow motion and nothing feels real. Is it a bad thing to think that everything around me isn’t real? That I will one day wake up and find out the life I knew was not real and this was all a dream?

That feeling and those thoughts are some things I have been having/feeling for a long while now. I cannot recall when I first started to really think about that stuff. It just pops into my mind sometimes. I will just sit there and have all these thoughts that revolve around that topic floating around in my head. Personally I think that it is weird that I am constantly having thoughts about everything around me not being real. It is not an everyday thought, but it is every other day. And it is not every day I get that weird feeling of the world around me slipping away into nothing and I might wake up from a dream any second. That is also around every other day I feel that.

For me, it is kind of a scary thought. It makes me uneasy when my mind reminds itself about these troubling anguished thoughts. It makes me think that other people in the world must have felt this same way. That suddenly I will wake up and everything I knew, everyone I know, the place I grew up in, was all part some dream. Not only is it scary and a little uneasy, it is also a bit crazy and wild to think of. Imagine if the life we knew was actually part of some dream we are having and we will wake up any moment and none of it was actually real.

Maybe there are other people out in the world who think and feel that too. I cannot be the only person in the world to have thought that. There is some small glimmer of hope in me that a great handful of people have had these same thoughts and feelings. Just thinking that some other people out in the world have helps ease the uneasiness of these thoughts.