PC Talk: Binary and Quantum Ramblings
The Concept of video games before its initial rise to glory on home console and home machines, was just a simple concept of a controls and visual feedback. Simple as pressing a button made something on screen or display move. Some of the first video games such as pong have been around since the 40’s when military grade computers were the only machines powerful enough to be able to run such as program. Game back then and now are all run on a basis of yes and no question answered by the processors, stored in the RAM, sent out in visual form by a graphics unit, then put out in a visual that can be seen by the user. The most basic use of this cycle can be observed in a calculator, a calculator doesn’t used pre-installed answers or something of that sort, it actually solves the problem as a person would but more efficient. By using logical processors but that’s a topic for another day.
In basic computing such as web browsing a series of questions that are constantly being asked by the processor and being answer either a fast or slow amount of time (this is lag.) Video games are really nothing but a visual of binary numbers and code, and where everything else is a series of yes and no, such as physics in a program.
It really is fascinating how the computer is running off of the basis of yes and no’s and a combination of 1’s and 0’s (binary) and is able to produce modern cinema grade; photorealistic feedback in the form of video game textures and art.
The evolution of computer power really is something, I could ramble all day about computers and why they are literally the pinnacle of human technology and existence. Binary is something that today, and back then was something that was the way to get things done when it came to technological computing. The future of computing, quantum computing is something that is so technologically advanced that not even the idea of quantum computing can be a reality in this millennium. By using a much larger number base rather than the 4 numbers that binary is based off of. Quantum Computer is something at this point in time is really experimental, the first quantum computer is 3600 times more powerful than a military grade super computer.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)