Fondest Memories

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There comes a time in every athlete’s life when they just have to say goodbye to their favorite sport and move on with the future of their lives. To many people, that dream of being a professional athlete or making it big may not come to an abrupt end, if they can plan out what they need to do to be so successful.
In the years that students play sports, for example elementary school up to high school, they become fond of the sports they play, making friends and carrying out the best moments while they still could. When the student realizes that the things that they participate in mean the world to them, they just don’t want to move on and be done with the past, when the past was probably their best moments of greatness. I can understand this, since this is my last year in high school and I feel as if my best moments were in the past, since we live in the present and can’t go back to those moments. I always love when I do something great or hear of someone accomplishing a goal, it’s just the rush I guess and the adrenaline sets in and I am always very excited to want to do better or overcome the failures.
I always have to go back and think to the people, who helped me reach my goals and become the athlete and person I am today, and it was all done to the choices I made to get myself going and to better my overall well-being. I just want the memories to keep going my way and hoping that those memories are for the best and the ones that I won’t be afraid to talk about.
In conclusion, the memories that we as people make can last more than a lifetime, sometimes generations. In the time that we are who we are, we need to make those memories last as long as possible, because we don’t know when they might be gone forever.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...