Private Property
Riders sometimes have trouble finding a spot to ride their bike and to practice their skills. There are a lot ways to go about finding a spot to ride but there are a couple things that will help.
Asking a person with private property to ride on their property is very difficult but a rider can go about asking them with full manners and full responsibility. Being polite is the first step to take when asking someone to ride on their property. Being polite will make a great first impression and first impressions are very important. Having manners is also a great thing to have when asking to ride on private property. Give the owner a sense of trust when asking them to ride on their property because if the owner doesn’t trust the rider, then the rider will have a hard time convincing the owner that they just want to ride their dirtbike.
After the rider has been given permission to ride on private property, the best things the rider can do is stay true to their word and treat the property with respect. If the owner has livestock then it’s best to keep a distance from those animals. Cleaning up any junk laying around on the property will also be a great thing the rider can do to ensure his usage of the owner’s property. If the owner notices the rider cleaning up any junk or fallen trees around, that would make a great impression and build trust between the rider and the owner. The best thing the rider can do for the property is to be responsible. Being smart and sensible when it comes to some decisions will make a great impression on the owner. Doing something irresponsible and acting foolish will get a rider banned from the property real fast.
If a rider is trying to get permission to ride on private property just remember to stay polite, have manners, have respect, and be responsible.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....