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Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017
(Photo Credit via

(Photo Credit via

Reading is how I spend my free time. Not a day goes by where I do not read at least one chapter of a book that I own. Reading is my passion, and my favorite hobby. I am constantly reading. There are some books that I get so attached to. I get attached to characters in books rather easily too. If something happens to a character that I am really attached to I am practically heartbroken. I feel so passionately for some characters, like they are my best friend  or brother/sister. I have and have read many books. From authors like Stephen King to J.K. Rowling to Alex Flinn to John Green. I do not have just one particular favorite book, I have many favorite books.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll is one of my favorite books that always seems to be on my mind. I thought the two were amazing books. Personally I liked Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland more than I liked Through the Looking Glass. They are both very wondrous, but I find that they can be very confusing to follow. Everything just hops around. I would read one page then flip to the next and be completely confused as to what just happened. I always think about the parts of the book that I find confusing. I am always thinking, “How did that happen?” “When did that happen?” “How did that get there?”, etc. Even though these two books were a little hard to follow at times, they were really good reads. Lewis Carroll is a brilliant author. The idea of Alice in Wonderland was very creative and ingenious.  

One of my all time favorite books is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I honestly think that I can call it my absolute favorite book. Beautiful, engrossing and gripping is how I would describe it.. I could not put this book down when I first read it. It took me only a few hours to read this book and I would definitely read it one hundred more times. I got really attached to the main character, Charlie. His character is trying to “get out there” more and he is making all these new friends. Whilst doing so he is coming out of this dark shadow that was created when his beloved Aunt Helen died in a car wreck and his best friend Michael shot himself. I fell in utter love with The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was funny, touching, and it is definitely worth reading.

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is another favorite book of mine. My dad was a big fan of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series and I have inherited his love for those books. Fantasy books like this are one of my favorite genres of books. Fantasy, thriller, mystery, and science fiction are my favorite book genres. When I first started reading The Hobbit, it took me a lot longer to finish it than I thought it would take me. But the slower I read it, the more details about the book I got to see/read and the more I got to analyze it. I do not particularly have a favorite character in The Hobbit, but I do have favorite characters in The Lord of the Rings. I fell in love with the main character Frodo Baggins, a Ranger of the North and heir of Isildur Aragorn, and I also fell in love with the character Legolas, the elven prince. Frodo’s character just spoke out to me and the way his attitude and personality is made me love him even more. Legolas’s character I fell in love with immediately. He seems to always know everything but never in a way as to where his character could be called a “know-it-all”. He is simply educated in the world around him. Aragorn is a “take charge” and leader type of guy. I do not know why I like his character so much, but he is one of my favorite characters.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner is another one of my favorite books. It is the first book in a five book series:The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, and The Fever Code. I have yet to read any of the other books in the series, but I hope to read the whole series in the foreseeable future. The Maze Runner is a post-apocalyptic dystopian science fiction book. I fell in complete love with this book. I could not put it down. Just like The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I could read this book one hundred times again and fall in love with it all over again with every time I read it. Newt is my favorite character. I cannot describe my feelings towards this character. He is a very cheerful character in this book. With him being second in command in the Glade, he always seems to know what to do in times of need. He is also very knowledgeable about the maze and glade.

I have always had a love for books but whilst I was in the seventh and eighth grade my love for reading grew more. By my sophomore year I was very engrossed in reading. Now I am completely and utterly engrossed in reading books. I like that though. I would rather spend my time reading than spend it playing video games, watching tv, etc.