Finishing Strong

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In the years that seem to fly by, many people seem to take a liking to the way they do things in the time they are able to do them. For others, it’s just about getting by and moving into the future.
It seems today that most children like school, and then there are those, who just don’t care about it. I see people all the time, just like myself, complaining about school. School can be the best thing in life, or it can be a miserable waste of time, it’s all about perspective and how they handle the classes. Students, who make the best of school go far in life and live without regrets, they work hard and continue their dreams. On the other side, those who don’t, live with regrets and wish that life would just go away. I don’t see school as a waste of time, where else would you get your education without a teacher, it would be a lot more difficult to teach yourself than having someone help you.
In the final years of school most people just seem to blow it off and become a slacker. Those, who slack, seem to have a hard time getting back to life after graduation and with finding the right path for their future. To be a successful person, you have to see past the negatives and seek the positives and go find them, or obstacles arrive in the way and you have to make choices to get through them.
In conclusion, the only way to see true potential and success in life, you have to finish strong and stay committed, otherwise life will move ahead and you will fall behind. Life can be easy or it can be hard, all I can say is that, life is not just going to hand you a successful life, if you don’t make it out finishing strong and going beyond the limits that were thought to be unachievable.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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