Feet Position

Tristian Wright

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August 29, 2016

(Photo Credits-www.youtube.com)

There are plenty of different ways to ride a dirtbike but beginner riders often have a hard time finding the comfortable spot on their dirtbike. The first thing a new rider has to find is the placement of the feet.

Riding a dirtbike comfortably will come in time with practice and confidence but a great way to boost the time spent getting comfortable on the bike is finding the best spot for the feet on the pegs. The position of the feet on the pegs is considerably the most important position on the bike. If the feet are in a comfortable spot, the control of the bike completely changes. Having the feet in the right spot will improve the riding skills and the stance of the rider while being on the bike.

The biggest reason the position of the feet is really important is mainly because of the shifter and the brake pedal. Having a comfortable foot position on either of these tools will improve the rider’s performance on the bike greatly. Being able to shift whenever it is needed without any hassle is the best way to keep up speed. Having a comfortable brake pedal position us very important because there are times when the rider is standing up and hitting the brake can be tough without a comfortable foot position.

The position of the feet is the most important while riding a dirtbike. Once a rider gets a comfortable foot position, the rest should mainly be natural. It’s mainly a body position that is not natural but once there is a comfortable spot found, the rest becomes natural.