Making the Right Decision

photo credit visa
In the time that we are students and scholars in our lifetime, we make decisions that can impact not only our lives, but the ones we love as well. The decisions we make are the ones that could help a person or hurt them as well.
In the time that I spend during home and high school, I make decisions all the time, whether from where to sit to what to do during the classes I take. I have to make decisions, it’s the only way for me to see how well I am going to do in life. Most of the time, the decisions are small and subtle, only noticeable when they make the biggest impact on my life or someone else’s. When I was a young kid, I always had big dreams for myself, as any person would, it’s only natural that I would look to the future, because no one really knows what the future brings, unless they know what they truly know what they were going to do when they grow. Even now it’s tough to see the future, a lot of obstacles arise and we have to decide how to plan for them to get through them and get on with our dreams and live a happy life, full of memories of the times we had to make a decision in order to succeed. In the summer, it can be tough to make decisions, since school is out and there is barely anything to do, but now since this is my senior year, I have to make better decisions that will impact not only my summer, but the rest of my life.
In conclusion, decisions make a person, who they are and what they will become, whether they are the ones that help them or they can make the ones that they love the most, miss them the most. It is sometimes hard to say goodbye, since no one really knows how to handle a goodbye, and that the goodbyes happen so abrupt and quick, that it always leaves us speechless, wondering why we say them in the first place.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...