Roller Coaster Capital of the World
Something that a lot of people, including me, enjoy doing over the summer is visiting the many amusement parks that are close by, just to list off some of them Cedar Point, Kennywood, Hershey Park, and Sandcastle. All of these parks are in a reasonable driving distance, some being only half an hour or 2 hours away.
Cedar Point is the self-proclaimed roller coaster capital of the world; having the most roller coasters in the world, in a single park (17). All of their roller coasters are for the most extreme thrill seekers; all of their roller coasters at the time of their building broke records. This year at Cedar point there is a new roller coaster that has broken multiple records. Valravn is the world’s steepest, highest, and fastest drop coaster. A drop coaster is a roller coaster that suspends riders at a 95 degree angle on the first drop then drops them with a burst of Kinect energy from the buildup of potential energy. The ride also has the most loops in a drop coaster which is 3.
The past 7 years there have been 3 new coasters at Cedar Point, all still have their unbeaten records that still make them famous; these coasters being Rougarou, Valravn, and the Gatekeeper. The Rougarou is the first floorless coaster at Cedar Point completing their collection of every type of coaster. The Gatekeeper was opened 3 seasons ago, and is the first winged coaster in the park. The gatekeeper is the 5th winged roller coaster ever built in the world, so this coaster has some history behind it.
Cedar Point is a must for the thrill seekers such as myself, while Kennywood and Hershey Park being some competition and other alternatives to Cedar Point; although nothing can beat the sheer number of coasters that Cedar Point has.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)