Quidditch at JM?
Quidditch is the sport created by J.K. Rowling made specifically for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter that has taken it entirely by storm. It is a simple game that involves three different kinds of balls and riding flying broomsticks. Harry Potter fans have become so fascinated with the fictitious sport that they have brought it to the real world. Obviously they can not fly on the broomsticks, but they make do with what they have, bringing the iconic game to the ground. All they do is run with a stick between their legs and play the game how it is played within the Harry Potter series. People from all over the world play this game, including students on college campuses. With it being so popular on campuses, it brought a question to my mind. Should Quidditch be played here at Jefferson-Morgan?
Let’s break it down, shall we? More than likely, Quidditch would be treated as an intramural sport here at school. It would be more like a club than a sport. Think about it, the students at Hogwarts participated in matches against other students at the same school. We would not need to go out to other schools and find competition, we would just compete against ourselves. The students could make their own teams and they would go head to head against each other.
Now a big question would more than likely be the participation factor. Obviously not all students would be interested in this activity, but there are definitely Harry Potter fans here that would play this sport. Actually, people wouldn’t even have to be fans of the series, they could just think the sport itself looks fun and they would come out for it. Honestly, I don’t think that participation would be a factor.
I personally think that having Quidditch here at the school would be a great thing. Now that may be a little bias as I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but I really think it would be a fun activity to have. It could take place out at any of the fields in the school district. The only setup needed would be the goals and that wouldn’t be hard at all. As a Potter fan, I would love to see Quidditch come to JM.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...