Eli Rafail’s Top 10 Wrestlers of All Time

The wrestling world is filled with many different people and many different personalities. Not every wrestler, whether they’re good or bad will be liked by everyone out there. Every single wrestling fan has their own favorites, and these are mine. The people on this list will be based on personal preference and also their in-ring ability, charisma, and contributions made to the industry during their decorated career. So, without further ado, here is number ten.
#10 – AJ Styles
Some people believe that Styles has some of the best ring work in the history of wrestling. However, very few people believed that he would end up in the WWE, especially after the years went along. However, he signed with the company earlier this year, and he has been absolutely amazing. His character has been evolving and different everywhere that he has went. From being a top guy in TNA, to leading the Bullet Club around the world, and now to WWE Champion, AJ Styles has never failed to be “phenomenal.” (Pun intended)
#9 – Ric Flair
The Nature Boy makes the list for being one of the greatest characters and wrestlers in the history of the industry. Anybody with some sense in the wrestling world knows of his iconic “WOO!” and it will stay that way for a very long time. Having the most world title reigns ever with sixteen, Flair is the ideal pro wrestler. His character of the stylin’ and profilin’ ladies man has stood the test of time, no matter how old he has gotten.
#8 – John Cena
Okay, Cena may not be the best in the ring, but there’s no doubt that he will go down in history as one of the most legendary performers in history. Cena has been the face of the WWE for over a decade, and even at the tail end of his career he has put on great performances and gave us plenty of memorable moments. Throughout his career, Cena has won fifteen world titles and has made huge contributions to the company in and out of the ring. Without him, WWE may not be as popular as it has become since the turn of the millennium
#7 – Seth Rollins
Though he has just hit his prime in his career, Seth Rollins has proved that he is both a great wrestler and a great character, whether he is a face or a heel. Originally debuting with The Shield, Rollins was a part of many memorable moments with that group before his heel turn in the middle of 2014. His heel run of 2014-2015 was the best of his career, as he put on many amazing matches. If this list was on pure wrestling ability, Rollins would easily be in the top three. And the best part about him is that he has many more years to come. By the end of his career, Seth Rollins could go down in history as the greatest of all time.
#6 – Kurt Angle
I could sum up the reason that Kurt Angle made this list in one sentence. Pure wrestling ability. Kurt Angle is one of the best mat workers in the history of the industry, and as an Olympic Gold Medalist, that makes total sense. He has also played both sides of the spectrum being both a face and a heel, playing both roles extremely well. He is the total package, and that clinches him a spot on the list.
#5 – Edge
The Rated-R Superstar is one of the greatest villains in wrestling history. He’s done it all. From innovating the tag team division to becoming a world champion and an eventual Hall of Famer, and everything in between. After his tag team runs, he was stuck in the midcard, but he completely reinvented his character into one of the most memorable ones that WWE has ever seen.
#4 – “Macho Man” Randy Savage
This man was just far ahead of his time. Randy Savage is one of the most memorable characters in WWE history, and for good reason as well. His feud/alliance with Hulk Hogan is one of the most iconic in the history of sports entertainment. His relationship with WWE hasn’t always been the best, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is one of the greatest and most iconic wrestlers that the world has ever had the pleasure to see. He may be gone, but he won’t be forgotten anytime soon.
#3 – The Undertaker
Who would have that thought that a silly “dead but not really dead man” gimmick would eventually become the most successful and most feared gimmick in all of wrestling history. Mark Callaway turned a gimmick that was sure to fail into a legend. The Undertaker is a superstar that has stood the test of time and has struck fear into the hearts of many of them in his storied career. The Phenom is also the greatest performer in Wrestlemania history, posting a record of 23-1, twenty one of the victories coming straight in a row. The Undertaker is the definition of a legend in the industry, and although his career may be drawing to a close, he will always be remembered as the greatest character and perhaps performer in the history of the sport.
#2 – Chris Jericho
Where do I even start with Chris Jericho? Not only has he been a staple in the WWE for almost twenty years now, but he has also remained amazing in the ring, while also reinventing his character each time that he has needed to. He is one of the best heels in wrestling history, and his current run with the WWE shows how well he can work on the mic. Jericho truly is one of the most diverse characters wrestling fans have ever seen. And although he may not have much time left in the ring, he has still put as much effort into his work as he did since day one. If he keeps this up, he could leapfrog the next person on this list for the number one spot, but for now number one is…
#1 – Shawn Michaels
The Heartbreak Kid. Mr. Wrestlemania. The Showstopper. Shawn Michaels is the man that got me into wrestling, and who better than the greatest in ring performer of all time? His work in the ring is honestly unmatched. He poured his heart and soul into every single match he ever worked in, and carried the company on his back while doing so. He has made history multiple times by participating in the first ever ladder match, Iron Man match, Hell in a Cell match, and Elimination Chamber match. He has played both a face and a heel, making both of them work in tremendous fashion. He went from entitled jerk to lovable and inspiring Christian in his career. HBK has also been in many memorable matches throughout his career with the likes of Chris Jericho, Triple H, Bret Hart, and The Undertaker. All that and more makes him the greatest wrestler I have ever seen in my life.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...