Jacob Van Divner’s Top 10 Wrestlers of All Time

The wacky, wild world of professional wrestling is full of larger than life characters. While some hit the mark others just don’t really hit anything and fall into obscurity, but there are some wrestlers that leave such an impact on people that they can be considered their favorites of all time. These are the top ten wrestlers that have managed to make that impact on me.
10.) Kane
Kane is probably the least talented in the ring on this list, but that’s not why he’s on here. He’s on here because his character is the reason I watch wrestling. Seeing this monster just blow through people was amazing when in my young age. Now he’s a little bit past his prime, but I will always remember as the big red machine. And he’s debut was by far the best of all time.
9.) AJ Styles
He is the newest wrestler in the WWE on this list, only debuting in the 2015 Royal Rumble, but he has been wrestling for quite some time. He is referred to as Mr. TNA, and for good reason, he is phenomenal. He’s the by far the best wrestler active today, and is the best worker in WWE. It’s a shame that he didn’t get signed to WWE before his later years, but he is putting in a great run.
8.) Jeff Hardy
While Kane was the man who introduced me to the world of the professional it was Jeff Hardy who kept me in. Jeff put his everything into every match, throwing himself off of anything he can get on. His highflying style captivated me as a child and he put on great matches with the likes of Edge, the Dudleys, and CM Punk. He never got the big push he deserved as his years of highflying and drug abuse took its toll on him, and he retired from the WWE early.
7.) Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
Ricky Steamboat was an amazing wrestler ahead of his time. In the time when wrestling was dominated by huge muscular guys, Ricky was a much smaller and way more technical wrestler. He has put on instant classics with many opponents including Ric Flair and Randy Savage. While it was clear that he had an immense amount of talent he was not treated as he should because of his size. He was never pushed past the midcard and never became the main event player everyone knew he could be. Its sad to see talent so wasted just because of his size.
6.) Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle won an Olympic gold medal with a broken neck. That is insane. Whats even more insane is this mans charisma and in ring talent. Kurt Angle could do it all. He was an outstanding talker and he’s been part of some of the funniest segments in WWE history. That doesn’t mean he’s not outstanding in the ring, because he is. He’s put amazing matches with people such as Chris Benoit, Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, and even Shane McMahon who’s not even a wrestler. This is just a testament to how good he is in the ring and that is why he made the list.
5.) Mick Foley
Weather he’s Dude Love, Mankind, or Cactus Jack one thing is for sure, the hardcore legend Mick Foley will always have a special place in WWE. He has always given his all to the company he so loves, in fact he’s probably taken some of the most insane bumps in WWE history. He’s been tossed of of the Hell in a Cell (Twice), been slammed on thumbtacks, speared onto a flaming table, and he’s gotten his ear cut off in the ropes. Not only does Mick give everything he has for his company, but he’s also great at it. He’s been able to get so many gimmicks over because he just know how to work a crowd. He’s been a fan favorite for years and that’s why he makes my list.
4.) The Undertaker
Rest…..In…..Peace. The Phenom has been in the light of the WWE for over twenty six years, but who would have thought that this silly “dead man” gimmick would have worked, and still be working in 2016. That all falls on the man under the gimmick, Mark Callaway. He has given it his all in the role making people actually believe that some spooky undead crypt keeper is actually running around in the WWE. its because of his complete commitment to his role that this gimmick that should have flopped evolved into the most iconic thing in wrestling ever. Seriously everyone knows about Taker and his legendary WrestleMania streak. It’s because of this that Undertaker will go down in history as one of the best to ever step into a ring.
3.) “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
At the 1996 King of the Ring pay-per-view an up and coming wrestler named Steve Austin cut a promo that would change his career. The win and subsequent Austin 3:16 promo skyrocketed Steve Austin into superstardom. Its because of this that Stone Cold will always be remembered as a wrestling legend. He is probably the most well known wrestler in history, and it’s for good reason. He was good in the ring and great on the mic. His rivalry with Mr, McMahon regularly comes up as the best rivalry in WWE history. It’s because of this that he is included on this list. Stone Cold not only defined the the Attitude Era, but he was at the top of it. It’s just a shame that his career had to be cut so short because of neck injuries.
2.) Macho Man Randy Savage
The macho man suffered much like Ricky Steamboat. He was ahead of his time and wasn’t as big as the other guys. He was a gifted talent with amazing mic skills and in ring ability. While the rest of the WWE at this time was filled with slow moving matches focused on power, Randy was an amazing highflyer soaring around the ring putting on amazing matches with Ricky Steamboat and even Hulk Hogan. He, like many other stars, would leave the WWE to go to WCW in the Monday night wars. Sadly unlike the rest he would never set foot into a WWE before his tragic death. Macho Man will always be remembered as a trailblazer in the world of wrestling.
1.) Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho is by far the most adaptable wrestler of all time. Chris Jericho has been able to invent himself time after time and it’s always been amazing. From “Lionheart” the “Man of a Thousand and Four Holds” to “The Best in the World at what He Does” he has always been able to win over fans with his amazing mic work and ability to read a crowd. Even in today’s WWE he is putting on great promos and segments, even being able to get a piece of paper over. Yes a piece of paper. He is by far one of the greatest men to ever grace the WWE.

Jacob Van Divner is a senior and second year Journalism student.
Jacob participates in only one sport. he is a member of the football team as he has...