Will Marvel’s Infinity War Change the MCU?
The Marvel cinematic universe is approaching its third phase with the huge movie Infinity Wars set to star everyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Will Marvel knock it out of the park again, or will the whole Infinity War saga fall flat on its face?
Now the big question on comic and movie fans alike is how will the third phase shake up the universe. The biggest addition in the movie will be the debut of one of the Marvel Universe’s biggest threats, Thanos. With Thanos being the biggest threat to come from the movies, it will be interesting to see how Marvel will handle him. Marvels track record with memorable villains is a bit short to say the least. With only Loki standing the test of time and actually being the closest thing to a credible threat to the MCU heros. Marvel needs to make sure that Thanos is shown as the all powerful destroyer of worlds that he is in the comics. How dangerous Thanos seems in the universe could make or break the movie.
Another big thing Marvel must consider is the shock of character deaths. As a whole, Marvel heros are protected with no major players taking a dive yet, but Infinity war can shake the whole Universe with the death of some of the bigger names. One that seems almost guaranteed is Vision, Vision is a super advanced robot created by Ultron who grew a love for humanity and turned on his creator. The big give away to his possible death is the fact that he is powered by an infinity gem. Comic fans will know that in order for Thanos to power his gauntlet he needs to be in possession of all of the gems. If Marvel goes this route, it can add a real element of “though they be larger than life superheroes, they can still fall” it would just be nice to see Marvel not play it safe for once.
The biggest concern of the movie is probably how the studio will handle such a huge roster of heroes. For the most part, the heros will have a prominent role like the Guardians, Iron Man, Captain America, and Dr. Strange, but what about the othe rones? Heros like Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Hawkeye seem like they don’t really have a big part or even show up in the film at all. Having these more grounded characters in the movie can add a more ‘everyday’ man feel to the world with talking trees and giant purple space gods.
There’s no doubt that Infinity War will be an outstanding film, but Marvel does have all the tools at their disposal to make this one of the biggest movie of all time.
“Avengers: Infinity War – Wikipedia.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avengers:_Infinity_War. Accessed 23 Feb. 2017.

Jacob Van Divner is a senior and second year Journalism student.
Jacob participates in only one sport. he is a member of the football team as he has...