The Time of My Life: A Farewell
Summer is just around the corner, and this time for me, things will be a little bit different. Myself and the rest of the class of 2017 will be walking across the stage in Stanley Fowler Auditorium on June 1st to graduate from Jefferson-Morgan. This will be a bittersweet moment for me, as I am excited to move on to the next chapter of my life, but I will be saddened to leave this great place. I have had some amazing times in these hallways, on these fields, on the stage, and everywhere in between.
First of all, I’d like to thank Mrs. Huba for allowing me to be an editor for the Rocket Reporter. Writing articles about things that I truly enjoy has been such a great opportunity and it has really increased my passion for writing and also my ability. I have also greatly enjoyed writing articles in collaboration with both of my good friends Nicholas Headley and Jacob Van Divner. With Nicholas, I was able to write some interesting lists for Disney World in anticipation of the Drama Club’s Disney trip. And with Jacob, we spent our time writing previews and reviews for all of the WWE pay-per-views throughout the year and we have had a blast sharing our passion for wrestling.
Outside of the Rocket Reporter, Jefferson-Morgan has given me so many great opportunities that I am so happy with. I have been awarded the chance to play on the baseball diamond and the football field, being a captain in both of those sports. Baseball will always hold a place in my heart, especially this year’s team, as we are section champions and are currently in the middle of a playoff run, something I thought would never happen, but I’m glad it did. I have also gotten the chance to perform on stage as a part of the Drama Club, having roles in plays and musicals, most notably as Lord Farquaad in Shrek and Gomez Addams in The Addams Family. Being on that stage for both practices and performances will remain some of the best times of my life for a very long time. Finally, I have been honored to be heavily involved with many clubs such as National Honor Society, Leo Club, student council, SADD, and more that have given me many great experiences.
However, nothing will be more important to me than friendship. My close friends know exactly who they are, so I don’t need to name drop them. Because of these guys and gals, high school was worth coming to every single day that I walked through that front door. Memories I have made with these people will without a doubt last a lifetime. I love you all, and as we go our separate ways, remember that this isn’t goodbye, this is just a see you later. Without a doubt, there are more memories to be made, more plans to make, and more experiences to have with each other. With my finals words as an editor, I leave you with this: Everything you do in life, make it count. Live with no regrets, and always find a reason to smile. Surround yourself with people make life worth living, and never be afraid to be the person that you want to be.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...