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Atypical is a new comedy show on Netflix, it is based on the book Atypical:life with Asperger’s in 20 1/3 chapters. The television show was released on netflix August 11th,2017, The series is about a young man who is on the autism spectrum  decided he is ready for some romance. Sam hopes to find the one but he doesn’t really know how to be social or how to ask out girls. Sam will struggle with this but he has a therapist who he seeks for dating advice since she brought it to his attention. Sam seeks to be “normal” and what does it truly mean to be “normal” sam’s  mother also finds herself on a life changing journey since Sam is changing so is she.

The meaning of Atypical is another word for unusual or abnormal , but teenagers like Sam aren’t unusual or abnormal. They are very smart and caring for an example Sam loves Antarctic and penguins,He knows everything there is to know about both. Sam calls it his safe place and when he has anxiety he thinks of one of the two things.

Sam doesn’t really have friends or anyone else besides his family and therapist Sam has a very hard time fitting into society. There is a reason behind all of this,Most people make things about murders or suicide, but no one ever made anything about a character having autism. This television series was made to show kids and adults how kids with autism have such a hard time doing things that we have no problem doing. For example,dating, talking to other people or just being in a room full of people.

Most things happen behind closed doors now a days, but with this television show nothing can be kept a secret. Sam is very honest and he sees the reality in the world he doesn’t sugar coat anything. Sam knows he won’t be accepted as he is,so he has to find a way to adjust himself.