Rockets Take Three to Regionals

Gavin Teasdale, Nate Bilonick, and Josh Agnew have all qualified for the 2018 regional tournament. Over the weekend Teasdale won sections, while Nate Bilonick placed second and Agnew placed third. At Wpials on Saturday, Teasdale won while Bilonick placed seventh and Agnew placed fourth. Placing top six at regionals assure wrestlers a spot at the state tournament.
This upcoming week regional’s will take place at Indiana university (IUP.) Many wrestlers end goal is to make it to the state tournament, while others have the goal to place or win. Regionals will be wrestled on Friday and Saturday this upcoming week.

Gavin Teasdale is a Senior and a second year Journalism student.
Gavin participates in many things but the main thing he participates in is wrestling....