Candidate Election Lack of Interest
My interest level on the candidates of the presidential election is minuscule, simply for the fact that politics do not interest me in general. The main reasoning behind this is because of the many different opinions, or ideas, that any one person could have on the topic.
While it can be understood that anything can be opinionated by anybody, politics seem to be much more brutal when it comes to opinions. For example, simple opinions that do not matter as much as higher topics to somebody else, like a favorite food, can be easily forgotten or debated with on lower levels. On the other hand, opinions on politics could end up affecting another person’s life, since they are also contributing to the voting process. Having a view on something that could be life changing to somebody else could be what creates heated, opinionated battles like politics bring.
Also, I will not be affected by the next president voted into office very much, anyways. Whichever candidate is chosen will only truly affect me for a little less than a year, as I will be eighteen by the end of that president’s term. If they had a good run, then they would be voted back into office for their second term. If they did not have a good run, then they will be voted out of office for the next president to take over. Overall, the candidates do not interest me simply due to the fact that politics themselves do not interest me.

Shae Bedilion is a sophomore and first year Journalism student.
Shae likes to draw and create 3D models in her free time.