Politics Interest Level
In my opinion, I do not particularly care much about politics. I feel that even though they are a big part of our country, they cause too much drama. I am the type of person that wants to avoid all drama if possible and politics are not a good way to do so. Politics do not spike my interest either. I would rather vote for dogs at a dog show than watch the poles. Personally, I am not as aware of the politicians running as most, but it does not bother me much. Politicians utterly annoy me in general as well. Being they have to have major attitudes in order to win and reel in people, I cannot handle even acknowledging what they have to say. It is easy to see that politicians work really hard and put a lot of time into their campaign, but sometimes we miss the big picture. A lot of the times we as people only hear what they have to say and not actually listen to it. There could be many hidden messages in everything they say and if we do not pay attention, then we are going to miss out. Missing out can cause a lot of disappointment and can really hurt a person’s judgment. Yes, the poles are important and yes they have a major effect on the world, but I personally have no interest in them at all. To me they are not a big enough issue to be worried about. Other important things have my attention and I choose to focus on them more so than politics.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...