What is Interesting on the Presidential Debate
I am very interested in the presidential candidates running for president. A lot of what they are discussing has been all over the news. I find it interesting because of the candidates.
Lately on the news I have seen one of the presidential candidates Hillary Clinton. She has been in the news lately for her secret emails with top secret information on private servers. I find it interesting that when she had previously tried running for president every year her opinion on certain things change. One example is back in 2004 she stated that marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman but as soon as same sex marriage became legal in all 50 states she suddenly supports gay marriage. I have found that the presidential debates to be very interesting. Most of the time they are entertaining because the candidates give answers that make no sense and are completely off the topic of the question. Watching the candidates argue back and forth over topics is very interesting. I also find candidate Donald Trump to be very amusing. Although I find some of his ideas for the country to be great and I like his brutal honesty, most of his ideas are completely ridiculous. He proposed to build a wall cutting the US off from Mexico. He has made several sexist remarks against women and has made insult towards not only Mexico but China as well.
I have found the candidates running for presidency to be very entertaining and interesting. Although I am not very pleased with some of the candidates I am interested to see which one of them becomes president.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...