Growing Interest in Campaign 2016
The presidential campaign for 2016 is obviously a big deal. However, the importance of it different of it varies from person to person. Individuals have different emotions and feelings on who they think should be in office. Others have no opinion at all and don’t even pay attention to it whatsoever. In my case, as of now I am very lightly into it. I know the candidates and know a little bit about most of them. I also have a slight idea of who I am pulling for to represent our country for the next four years. Right now I find myself flustered with other things more direct to me such as football and my school work. As the field thins however, I will find myself getting more and more into the race and I will pick up a true favorite to win. It just isn’t really a priority to me at the moment. I know for a fact that as soon as things get less busy for more and when the race gets more competitive, I will get really into. That is mostly because politics interest me and I’m worried about the future of this country. This especially true because I will soon be an adult and I’ll have to know what to do once I get into the real world. I think it is important for people to get themselves involved in the presidential race and vote for who they think is right for this nation. If that happens, this country will be mostly a better place.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...