Presidential Election
My interest level on the candidates running for presidency is kind of medium. I like watching the debates and listing to all the candidates who are going to run for president. I am not really into listing to it every day. One of the candidates that I really like is Hillary Clinton. I like the fact that she is a democrat and I like that Clinton is going to try to make the world a better place and make clean energy. I also like the fact that Clinton is going to try to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and keeping Military weapons off the streets. Also she is going to get young people to learn skills for jobs. So collages will have programs that will teach student the job. Clinton also believes that health care is a human right. I believe that it is the right thing that everyone should have health care.
That is most of the stuff I like about what Clinton is trying to get done. I also like what some of the things that Hillary is going to do. I only watch what I want to watch about the candidates running for president. I like how the republicans fight with each other and it’s entertaining. There are things that I don’t like are it is always on the news every day. I am not really worried about what the people who are running for president are doing because I am only seventeen, but I would like to see Clinton win and be the first woman president.

Brennan Kozich is a junior and a first year Journalism student.
Brennan is a member of the football team, basketball team and also the baseball team.