My December Festivities

Brennan Kozich

More stories from Brennan Kozich

Every December in the beginning of the month either on a Saturday or Sunday I start to put up Christmas decorations.  I enjoy decorating the decorate the outside of the house, I make it look very nice and very festive. I usually do it all by myself.  I also enjoy going with my family to go pick out a real tree and then we take it home and my brother and I always have trouble trying to get the tree in the house every year and once we get it in the house  we decorate it so it looks nice. When I decorate the outside of my house I use a lot of different lights. I put up a light up deer family in the yard. We also put lights on the front bushes in my yard. Then I even up the nativity scene on the front of the porch for everyone to see. Then I put lights up around the deck and put more deer lights in the backyard. Every year I try to do something different.

Then I decorate the inside but my family helps me with that. We put up Christmas decorations around the house. Then once we get it in the house we decorate the tree with tinsel and put red and white bulbs we even multi colored lights up around the tree.  I think that the different colored lights look good on a Christmas tree. That is what I like to do in December.