Drama Club
Drama Club has a lot of big plans for next year. They have been looking for different shows to perform for the next school year. One thing they know for sure is the Disney Trip for next year.
Next year the Dram Club is taking a trip down to Florida to experience Disney World. They are really looking forward to being a part of the Walt Disney Dream. The Drama Club will be flying down to Florida next April. They will be staying at the Pop Century Resort. The itinerary is still being schedule but about 25 students will be able to participate in the trip. While down in Florida the Drama Club will be participating in a leadership workshop at Epcot. The leadership workshop will help with leadership skills. The Drama Club has the chance to go into the park before it opens while down at Disney.
Mr. Moore would like to thank the seniors who worked tirelessly throughout the years. He will miss all the seniors next year.

Erin Sullenbarger is a senior and second year Journalism student.
Erin is a part of the Jefferson Morgan basketball team as well as Leo Club and Drama...