Drama Club to Attend “Cotton Patch Gospel” at Waynesburg University

(Photo Credit via Elsa Roberts)

“Ranked” the musical was a success as another year goes by. The director, Christian Wilson, is very proud of all the hard work that was put into this play.

The drama club is planning a field trip to Waynesburg university to see the show “Cotton Patch Gospel” on March 28th, 2023. They will be leaving at 6 PM and it begins at 7:30 PM. All your parents and guardians need to do is drop your children off at the high school and pick them up. There is no cost for this trip, so no money will be needed. Drama club members are invited as well as people trying to join, and this is for the end-of-the-year party because of the actors and actresses finishing the show and saying goodbye to the seniors. The director is trying to find the right shows to do for next year and eventually have another great show.

If you are interested in joining the drama club family, email [email protected]