Family Fun

(Photo Credit via Brenda Weir)
Over the summer my cousins, brother, and I all took our grandfather out to pirate games, bowling, and Kennywood. Making time for my grandparents has always been important to me, but it is more important for this one. Over Easter of 2016 our grandmother, Ninnin, passed away, so everyone has been trying to spend a little extra time with Poppop, as we call him. All of the grandchildren would go down to his house, but it was never at the same time. Getting Poppop out of the house and busy was our main adjective.
One of the biggest things we all did together was attend a Pirates game. Poppop is a huge fan of every Pittsburgh sport, so we knew this a was a good idea. The day was very long, but tons of fun. The day that we attended the game was the regatta, so there was so much stuff to do before the game started. We left my cousin’s house around 10a.m so by the time we got there, everyone was very hungry. The game did not start until 3p.m so there was plenty of time.
Some events that were going on during the regatta that day were the dragon boats, BMX show, and the Jet Ski show. Another thing that we all participated in during the summer was going bowling.Bowling is something that I would never do during my free time, but with my family, it was so much fun. Nobody really played for scores or to see who was better, we all just had fun with it. My three girl cousin’s, Morgan, Kamie, and I even put the bumpers up.
Spending time with family should be on everyone’s list, whether they enjoy the company or not. You never know when someone is going to leave, so everyone should enjoy what they have while they have it.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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