The Emotional Roller Coaster

(Photo Credit via Kim Coles)
Volleyball this year has been a roller coaster of many different emotions. From it being my senior year, to gaining two new coaches and losing one, everyone is one their toes, especially the seniors. So far this year has been a mixture of fun, stress, and sadness. Winning is something that everyone wants to do, but not everyone can win. With it being a lot of our last year playing, we want to make the season as fun and memorable as possible, and I think we are, for sure, in the process of doing just that.
From themed practices to joking around on the court, the seniors have been having as much fun as possible while still being in the game. Right now the Jefferson-Morgan volleyball team has a record of four wins and four losses, making us tied for third with carmichaels. Beating Carmichaels is something that almost every Jefferson athlete wants to do, and with this being the last possible year for me to do so, it is at the top of my list.
Volleyball is something that I love and strive to do everyday. I have been participating in the sport for six years and I never thought this year would come.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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