Supporting My Friends


(Photo Credits via Tyler Kuntz)

Ever since the third grade Erin, Jamie, and I have been good friends. When we got to fifth grade we sort of split up and got involved into different things. I had softball, Erin cheered, and Jamie had basketball. I really missed them and wanted things to back how they were. When we finally got to high school we started getting close again. We had volleyball together and that is when the friendship really began stick out. We would go everywhere together. Now that we are seniors we plan on staying friends in college. Even though Jamie is going four hours away I plan on still communicating with her. Erin is still undecided but I know I am definitely going to California University. We have a special bond. Recently they were in homecoming and I was there to root them on. I made a sign saying “I love Erin and Jamie”. I surprised them with it and they loved it. Sadly neither of them won homecoming. I would consider them two of my best friends. We have talked about what will happen after high school and we decided we needed to stay friends. We would visit each other at college and call every once in a while. I hope we don’t split up in the future.