The Last Banquet
This past Sunday, November 13, was my last volleyball banquet. This banquet meant so much more to me than anything else. Not only was it my last time getting a letter and gifts from the boosters, but it also my last time spending time with the girls and Julia, our coach, outside of school. I have made many new friends and became close to many amazing girls. Each girl has made a mark on my senior year, making this year of volleyball the best it has ever been.
At the banquet we did a few things different. Julia asked the seniors to stand up and make a speech to the girls, parents, boosters, and coaches. I am not someone who likes to stand up and talk with everyone in the room looking at me, but I knew that I could make an exception for the volleyball girls. In my speech, I thanked the girls for making my last year the best it could of been and I hope they play every game like it is their last. Without our parents involved we really could not of done anything. I know that I would not of made it through each year like I did, improving everyday without my mother. She has been there at every game and practice cheering me on. The hardest part of my speech to write was to Julia and Mr. Lohrer. Mr. Lohrer stood up when we needed him the most and took the spot as our assistant coach. As for Julia, there is too much to thank her for and so much to say. She stood by every girl on the team through thick and thin, and she became one of my friends.
The last year for things are always the hardest, but I believe we got through volleyball just fine. I know that I will miss every girl on the team and the coaches, but everyone has to move on.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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