2017 Is Approaching

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017

(Photo Credit via indieberries.com)

The year is almost over. Before we know it it will be 2017. It is crazy how fast the years are going by. It seems like just yesterday I was getting ready for my first day of freshman year. 2017 will go by fast too and 2018 will be approaching.

With the new year coming, graduation will be around the corner in no time. I am both very excited and very nervous to graduate. I am excited because I will be graduating from high school and all my hard work will finally be paid off. I am nervous though because I know when I graduate that college will be a few months later. Just like with graduating from high school, the thought of going to college next fall makes me both excited and nervous.

I know that when I am in college I will be on my own. I will not have my parents there with me and I will need to learn to adapt to that. With being and Tennessee and not Pennsylvania all  by myself sends both good and bad shivers down my spine. It will be nice to leave my hometown, go someplace new, and do things on my own. The scary thought of that is being so far away from any family. No one will be right there with me when I need help with things. But with leaving my hometown and going someplace new by myself means I will need to be courageous and strong.

I am beyond ready to go out into the world on my own. I will experience new people, a different setting and scenery, and also a new lifestyle almost. Going to college in Tennessee will be a great journey for me.