
(Photo Credits via Google Images)

(Photo Credits via Google Images)

The miracle on the Hudson River happened in 2009. Director Clint Eastwood, just came out with a movie called Sully. The movie is named after the pilot, Sullenberger, that is played by Tom Hanks. The movie starts out by Captain Sullenberger preparing for takeoff and once they get into the sky, hundreds of birds fly into the both engines. This causes them to lose control of the plane and Sullenberger has to act fast.

Sullenberger does a number of things to prevent a disaster. It leads him to flying over the Hudson River and then land roughly into the freezing cold water. After everyone is out of the cabinets, they all stand on the wings of the plane and wait. The plane begins to sink when a boat stops to help. They passengers board the boat to get warmed up and get medical attention if needed. Once they are at the hospital, Sullenberger finds out that everyone on the plane lived. A few weeks after the heroic move by Sullenberger, tensions start to raise. The National Transportation Safety Board starts to investigate the event.

After many meetings, Sullenberger and his co-captain, have to go to hearing to come to a conclusion. The Nation Transportation Safety Board claim that Sullenberger could of avoided all of this by landing at a near by airport. They use emergency check clips to relive what they went through and the different options that Sullenberger had. After a big argument, Sullenberger claims, being a scared human being that he couldn’t just calmly pick the airport. They pause for 35 seconds and find out that the Hudson River was the only safe option.

In conclusion the movie was great. I would definitely recommend the movie. It makes you have a new respect for people and their jobs. A pilot is just one job, but everyone has to make some type of a critical decision in their job.