Taking Things For Granted
Everybody has that one person or multiple people in their life who is very special to them, whether it be family, friends, or a loved one. Some times people tend to take these loved one for granted and they do not appreciate all they have done. It is very easy to take anything for granted, and not even realize it. However, once someone loose their loved one, everything changes. They realize just how much they had taken for granted, and wish for nothing but to have that loved one back.
Last Easter my family and I had lost someone very near and dear to out hearts, my grandmother. She unfortunately lost her short battle to cancer, leaving behind many loved ones. Soon after her passing, I realized just how much I had taken her for granted. I would not go to visit her much, saying that I was always busy with school and sports, and on the weekends I just wanted to sleep. Now I want more than anything to be able to talk to her and visit with her. For someone to say that their grandparents are still alive and that they get to see them a lot is a blessing.
For my family, and especially the grandchildren, it was hard to say goodbye. I noticed just how much everyone takes people for granted. Now, I try to visit my other grandparents every chance I get, never making up excuses. Even my grandfather, the one who lost his wife, will call me on Friday’s asking if I would like to go out to eat. I always try to clear my schedule for them, knowing that anybody can be taken away at any given second. We have no control over what happens, but we can make sure that we spend time with our loved ones and make sure they know just how much we really appreciate them.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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