Once A Rocket, Always A Rocket

(Photo Credit via googleimages.com)
While being in high school I have learned many different things. Every high school learns who MacBeth really is and how to solve systems by equations, but that is not what high school is about to me. To me high school is about making many different friendships and great memories. The last four years of high schoolers lives are spent together in one building. I have made so many different friendships and bonds that I will remember forever.
Going to Jefferson-Morgan, everyone knows each other no matter what grade they are in. This years senior class is one big friendship. Everyone has grown up together ever since kindergarten, building the strong bond that we all have today. These classmates are worth remembering because we all hold special moments. Even though I may not be as close with some as I am with others, we made memories that I will never forget. Some of my favorite memories with my friends happened in this building, from the dance marathons and Journalism class, all the way to volleyball games. These memories are what I will always love about being a Rocket.
Another thing that I have learned while in high school is that it is like one big family. Here at Jefferson-Morgan we have a saying, “Once a Rocket, Always a Rocket.” I find that to be very true, because we are one huge family.

Brooke Weir is a senior and a third year Journalism student.
Brooke Weir is a member in volleyball and track and participates in dance.
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