Warriors in the Night
In Hawaii, night marchers are ghosts of ancient warriors. During nights of honoring Hawaiian gods, they supposedly awaken and come out of their grave sights or to walk out of the ocean. They then march in a large group to an ancient Hawaiian battle ground, or a sacred place. These warriors are dressed as if going to battle with spears or clubs getting ready for battle. Some of the warriors will beat on drums, or blow into conch shells to announce they are marching through. As ghosts, they don’t leave any tracks of their presence being there, as their feet do not touch any ground or water, they hover.
These warriors are definitely something I would gladly never experience. Although this happens in the night, waking up in the middle of the night to beating off the drums or blows from the conch shell would definitely scare me.
If you do happen to encounter these night marchers you could be harmed by these ghosts. To avoid being harmed, you can lay face down on the floor motionless and dead-like. This shows the marchers a sign of respect and fear, leading them to leave you untouched and unharmed. Another way to avoid their harm is by being a relative of one of the marchers. They will shout to the other warriors claiming you are related and will leave you alone.
Although I don’t know how a ghost can harm you because they are dead and have no actual presence, I would not deny what is unknown. No one actually knows what is out there so it’s definitely a mystery and to know they have the potential to harm is something I don’t want to experience. Luckily, this only occurs during the night and not during the day, making me feel a lot better if I were to ever visit Hawaii.

Elizabeth Corbett is a sophomore and a second year Journalism student.
Corbett participates in Drama club, Leo club, SADD, and is president of her class....