Crafts are a must this coming Halloween season. You can find lots of your Halloween crafts on Pinterest. Here’s one Halloween craft that’s super easy to make for this coming Halloween.
Pick out any color you want to make your pumpkin. Cut out 2 small circles, one for your base and the other for your top. Then cut out 14 long pieces of your color of choice. Once you have cut out those pieces start to put them in a circle and glue them to the base of your craft. Once done you’re done gluing them down, Grab the 2nd small circle you cut out and start gluing them to the bottom of the small circle. You should now have a top and a base circle. Once done gluing everything together, cut out a mouth, eyes and nose for your paper pumpkin and glue them down. Don’t forget about the stem. To make the stem for the pumpkin, take some colored paper and cut it to where it’s a small rectangle. Once your paper is cut out, roll it until it looks like a stick. Then glue it down onto the top of your craft. Cut out some green leaves and glue them down as well. Let it sit to dry for about an hour and you’ll have your own paper pumpkin!
There are many other things you can do for crafts this coming Halloween season!