Saint Patrick’s day is coming up in a few weeks. And with any holiday party there should be desserts. Especially when they are on theme with the holiday. So here is a quick and super easy recipe to make this Saint Patrick’s day!
Pretzel Shamrocks
For this dessert you will need some Caramel filled chocolate Rolo’s, some m&m’s, and some pretzels. First you will need to set out the pretzels to look like a four leaf clover. When you have the set in the way you want them, you are then going to put the Rolo in the middle of the clover. Heat it up and add some M&M’s on top of the melted caramel chocolate. Let them cool for a few minutes and then you will just have made some Pretzel Shamrock’s! Hope you enjoy making these. If you would like to make something a little more special this St. On Patrick’s day, you could always look up some recipes on Pinterest.