Being Well-Rounded

Eli Rafail

More stories from Eli Rafail

High schoolers should develop many skills in their four years being educated within a school building.  Anything from mathematics, to biology, many things can be learned in a high school building. All of those things are helpful, however, book work and facts aren’t exactly the best skills that can be taught in teenage years.  Being a very sociable person is a skill that can and will pay off in the real world for high schoolers who are about to enter it.  Having that skill can really make people more likeable and easier to get along with.  People who are more shy and secluded may not be able to make as much as an impact in the real world. Not to say that shyer people can’t be successful, but being sociable definitely helps in being more impactful.  Talking to people and creating new relationships can open up the door for new opportunities in new fields and/or new places.  

Just being sociable won’t make you successful however.  There are other qualities that can help people be successful in the real world.  Being hard worker can absolutely pay off in anything that one chooses to do.  Good work ethic is a very admirable quality in anyone.  People really notice it and it could lead to anything that you could want. Hard work really does pay off and it is an extremely useful quality in people.

But as stated before, book work and facts do help, but qualities like that are extremely beneficial past high school.  Well-rounded people have the most success in this world.