Important Student Skills to Achieve Success
I believe that most important skill a student needs to learn from high-school is to know what they want to do with their life.
I believe that it is important to know what you want to do with your life before you graduate. If you do not know what you want to do with your life, if you go to a collage, you could end up spending money over courses that you do not even want to take. It is also important that you know what you want pursue as career, so that you are not stuck in a job that you hate for the rest of your life.
It is important to know how to get the career you want, and by going through high school you learn what you like, and what you do not like. By knowing what you are good at and what you enjoy, it will make choosing a career easier. If someone does not know what they are interested in while going through all of high school it would be harder to know what they want to do with the rest of their life. Knowing what you want to do before you leave high school can make decisions for colleges and different things easier.
Students should be aware that they are not going to be in high school forever. At one point we all graduate, and we are all going move on in our lives. I would rather know what I want to do with the rest of my life before I graduate so I do not have to waste time thinking over what I want to do. I do not want to have the stress of figuring out what I want to do with my life.
By knowing what you want to do with your life, then you can pursue it quicker rather than wasting time figuring it out later.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...