Mad Skills
School is a long, tedious process. It takes up about 12 years of your life, and that’s just for a high school education, students may need another 4+ if you pursue additional schooling. During this time, students will learn (and forget) many different subjects, and many different skills. The most important skill one can learn from their school years are people skills.
News flash, once one graduates high school, they’ll be an adult. This means they can get jobs, and when someone works, they have to deal with other people, almost no matter what. So, learning how to deal with different types of people is essential.
If students get into lots of fights at school, then they’d better straighten up, because they can’t go around fighting customers if they work in retail. At least, not unless they want to be fired.
This is why people skills are so important. Students have to learn that fighting other people will get them nowhere unless they plan to be a boxer or something. At school, they have to learn to control their temper, and how to handle people that annoy or bother them.
Even without violent acts, students losing their temper at their job can cost them. Having heated debates with customers will not get them a raise any time soon. If someone works at a restaurant, they should just do their job. Take orders. That’s all they have to do to keep their job. Even if the customers are being bratty, irritating, whatever, they need to manage their stress.
Likewise, students cannot be too shy and timid, either. If they are afraid to talk to customers, how can they do their job? Most jobs involve interacting with other people, so just avoiding them isn’t really an option. In high school, it is important to come out of one’s shell a little bit and be a tad more social so one can handle working with others in the future.

Cory Tretinik is a junior and first year Journalism student.
He is a member of the Drama Club and National Honor Society, and participates in Academic...