I think maturing is a quality that every high school student should have prior to walking across that stage and getting their diploma. Maturing is a huge quality that every high school student should have by graduating, you’re taking a step into the real world as soon as you graduate. There’s no more goofing off; you have to be serious once you leave this place. Graduating is a big step for everyone.
It is only a matter of time before the real world hits and a time to be mature arises. There is a time and place to have fun with life, but there is also a time and place to be mature about certain things. During high school many students use it as a place to just fly through and do what they want just because they feel they can.
In life, you cannot goof off and fly through stuff, so why try and get away with it during the most valuable years of your life? It is not a matter or being the most mature and being the best, but about knowing limits and preparing for the life ahead. It is not always going to be as easy as high school, these are the best times in anyone’s life pretty much. Everybody says high school flies by, and its the truth.

Dalton Fowler is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Dalton is a member and senior captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Football team. He is also...