Obtaining Important Skills
The most important skill to obtain before graduating is the skill to work hard. If a student is able to work hard on simple school work, they will be able to work hard in the real world. Out of high school, comes the time to grow up. During high school a student needs to grow as a person and mature, but once they are out, the real test begins.
As an adult, we all know how struggles come about based off the things we see with parents. It is important to learn the proper way to work at the things we want. Throughout high school, most students depend on their parents for mostly everything. Once graduation happens, most parents want their students to work on their own, and begin the process of becoming independent. It is important to understand why things are the way they are as we grow older. When each of us turn 18, we legally become an adult, so why not act like one? Obviously we are not all going to be independent and be fully an adult right away, but it is up to us to become the person we want to be and work for it. In the end working hard pays off. Not only do we get to show those around us we can do something we stick our mind too, but we are also able to prove to ourselves we can do it with just a little effort.
In the end we get to hold on to the things we have gathered over time and all the memories we have of our own hard work. Some choose a different route and some choose this one. This is a very important skill and it should be first established as we grow throughout high school.

Morgan Kutek is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Leo Club, participates in her high school varsity volleyball team...